Annual Report 2015

The Mission of the Foundation

Benefiting Children in Need in Northwest Florida

The mission of Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation is to connect wine enthusiasts to raise money to benefit children in need in Northwest Florida.

Founded in 2005, Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation (DCWAF) has donated more than $10 Million to Northwest Florida charities by hosting world-class wine and culinary events. These funds have impacted the lives of over 60,000 youth, including those afflicted by health issues and abuse. DCWAF is recognized as one of the Nation???s ???Top 10 Charity Wine Auctions in the U.S.??? by Wine Spectator Magazine, ranked No. 4 in 2014, No. 6 in 2013, and No. 10 in 2012.

Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation proudly partners with the following agencies:

AMI Kids Emerald Coast, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Emerald Coast, Children in Crisis, Children???s Volunteer Health Network, Emerald Coast Autism Center, Emerald Coast Children???s Advocacy Center, Food for Thought, Habitat for Humanity of Walton County, The Arc of the Emerald Coast, Okaloosa Walton Homeless Continuum of Care/Opportunity Inc., Pathways for Change, Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast, Shelter House of Northwest Florida, and Youth Village.

quote_left“UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It???s not.???quote_left

??? The Lorax, Dr. Suess



BENEFICIARY Charities Of 2015

changing the lives of children

Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation donated $2,300,000 to 14 Northwest Florida children???s charities on August 27 at a private ceremony at Lulu???s, marking the Foundation???s largest charitable distribution to date. Celebrating its 10 year anniversary, DCWAF has now donated more than $10 million to non-profit organizations serving children in Northwest Florida. This year???s results are an increase over the $2.035 million raised last year. In addition to funding the 14 local charities, DCWAF has realized a long-held dream to create a fund for future needs. The DCWAF Children???s Fund is cash held in a separate account available to any of the DCWAF charities who have an imminent need.
???For the first time, DCWAF now has a safety net of funds for any of our charities that may have an emergency requirement for funds outside our normal contributions. It is our hope to continue to grow this fund over the coming years.??? – John Russell

$48,000 was set aside for the DCWAF Children???s Fund Reserve this year. This will serve as a contingency fund for charity partners and will act as a safety net in the event of an emergency.

AMIKids Emerald Coast

quote_left???A key to getting through to these high risk students is AMIkids experiential learning activities. Off campus activities are designed not only to teach but also to gain respect for their community, trust in their fellow team members, and open their eyes to experienced very different to anything they have experienced before. Some of these trips include obtaining scuba certifications, white water rafting trips, nationwide education, sports competitions, and trips to college campuses.???quote_left

??? Audra Ray, AMIkids Executive Director

Funding allowed hiring additional staff to assist those youth referred with extensive behavioral issues, allowed for scholarship funds, awards, student incentives, and a new school bus to ensure students are transported safely.



Boys & Girls Clubs Emerald Coast

quote_left???Boys & Girls Clubs of the Emerald Coast attacks academic struggle, lack of character and civic mind, and poor health head on with intent based, outcome driven, preemptive programs designed to steer youth clear of personal failure. In just a year of service, youth are provided a fun, safe environment with caring and trained
professionals who challenge them with expectations, provide them unique opportunities to learn and grow, and recognize them for their achievements.???quote_left

??? Shervin Rassa, BGCEC Executive Director

Funds will provide one full year of service for 150 youth across the four counties the organization is currently impacting. This funding will allow programming for these 150 youth in the three priority outcomes of Academic Success, Character & Leadership, and healthy Lifestyles.



Children in Crisis

After breaking ground for The DCWAF Travis Tringas Home, Children in Crisis is ready to begin construction.

quote_left???This loving home will provide hundreds of siblings with stability, shelter, house parents, food, clothing and necessary items to live a healthy and successful life while in our care. We expect the home to be open in the Fall.???quote_left

??? CIC Executive Director Ken Hair

The DCWAF Travis Tringas home will be a foster home housing 8-12 children at all times. In addition to a new shelter, the other previously funded homes require funding to keep them running and the children they serve clothed, fed, and cared for. The DCWAF Sue Sue???s Cottage and the DCWAF Ya Ya???s Home can hold anywhere from 8-12 children at a time and consistently stay at capacity. The DCWAF Opportunity Home Transitional Living Program serves approximately 30 youth per year. These are children who may have failed in foster care and need additional guidance. Funding will help provide life skills and educational processes required to become productive adults.



Children???s Volunteer Health Network

Funding allows for the two Dental Hygenists on the Mobile Dental Clinic and for the Dentists and support staff in the CVHN Dental Clinic. Funding also allows CVHN to purchase new equipment and supplies as well as hire for maintenance and repairs to keep the Clinics and the Health Care Referral Programs running.

quote_left???The mission of CVHN is to improve the health and well-being of children in need. Our vision is for all God???s children to be healthy, happy, and see their future as limitless. Until that day there is more work to be done. Thank you DCWAF for helping CVHN to become our areas safety net for children without access to medical and dental care. Our partnership is changing thousands of lives… right here in our own backyard.???quote_left

??? Zach Billingsley, CVHN Executive Director



Emerald Coast Children???s Advocacy Center

Funds will be used to support the mental health therapy and case advocacy program, as well as construction costs for the new Walton County facility, with a goal to be complete by December of 2015. The direct services to clients to include: mental health, case advocate, mental health advocacy programs.

quote_left???Through our mental health program, licensed therapists help children to be children again. There are a variety of interventions used by therapists to include individual counseling, art therapy, play therapy, and support groups to provide a caring environment.???quote_left

??? ECCAC Executive Director Julie Hurst



Emerald Coast Autism Center

DCWAF funding will go to scholarships for students, defraying the cost of tuition for families unable to afford services, and also to the Capital Campaign to build a new facility on the Northwest Florida State College Campus.

quote_left???Currently we serve 75 students and the demand for additional services is high. We will reach capacity in our existing location over the course of this next school year. Our new facility on the NWFSC campus is designed specifically for how ECAC functions and the space is laid out extremely efficiently. We expect to be able to accommodate up to 130 students in the new facility. Additionally, the location of the facility will allow us to take advantage of many of the facilities and services of NWFSC for the benefit of our students. We are especially excited about the potential vocational opportunities for our older, lower functioning students.???quote_left

??? CEO & Treasurer Heidi Blalock



Food For Thought Outreach

For the 2015-16 school year, Food For Thought Outreach added four schools all in Okaloosa County, including AMI Kids, another DCWAF beneficiary. With these additional schools and students, FFT will expand from 770 to 1,200 students. DCWAF funds are directed fully towards the support of the program.

quote_left???We will distribute over 43,000 backpacks this school year in addition to our holiday, summer and in school snack programs allowing us to provide critical access to food for children in need year round in Walton and Okaloosa Counties.???quote_left

??? Executive Director and Founder Tiffanie Nelson



Habitat for Humanity of Walton County

Funding will be used for two new construction projects on land that Habitat owns or will acquire. Funding will also install utilities for 12 lots in Hope Village. With increased support from DCWAF, the Walton County Habitat chapter was able to leverage previous DCWAF contributions along with a state program to provide a home for seven local families and their children. This tripled the typical overall construction budget and production for their 2014-2015 fiscal year.

quote_left???Affordable housing is critical for the quality of life of our neighbors and to lessen the burden of other non profit agencies. It is also important to our community in order to recruit and keep quality employees for our local businesses. We look forward to building more homes, hopes, and lives together.???quote_left

??? Executive Director Teresa Imdieke



Okaloosa Walton Homeless Continuum of Care \ Opportunity Inc.

DCWAF funds have helped support the Opportunity Place Program and the needs of the children who stay there. Most recently, DCWAF funds were used to hire a Children???s Service Coordinator and a Volunteer Coordinator, allowing Opportunity Place to serve more than 40 children since January. They were also able to expand the space capacity and increase the amount of residents they can house. A summer program is now offered to children of all ages, which helps parents maintain employment during the summer.



Pathways For Change

quote_left???We are helping the healing of these young minds and teaching parents the appropriate developmental stages and needs of their children. We are also helping the healing of the parents, who more than likely, experienced the same life when they were children.???quote_left

??? Executive Director Connie Bookman

Because of the support of DCWAF, PFC was able to build a beautiful 12 bed facility, The Clinton Cox Residence, where men can live together in recovery and rebuild their lives. Their mission of Changing Lives, Reducing Crime, Building Futures is actively preventing heartbreaking losses. Since 2007, DCWAF has raised over $1,000,000 so men and their families could be set free to live the lives God intended for us all.

Funding pays the way for 6 men per year to attend the Men???s Residential Treatment program as well as The Family Center, helping them move out of generational poverty and destructive lifestyles. This coming year the mission will expand to include babies that have been traumatized and taken from their parents due to domestic violence and/or substance abuse.



Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast

The Pediatric Navigator Program was made possible by the support from DCWAF in 2009 and continues strong today.

quote_left???Serving over 600 children and families each year, the Navigator has an active role in the community with key agencies that support children and families in need. Also undergoing an expansion, Sacred Heart will be able to increase the capacity for women???s services, children???s services, emergency services, and general inpatient services.???quote_left

??? Operations Project Manager Meg Norwood

With DCWAF funds, the expansion will provide a larger nursery to accommodate a 10-bed Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the future, which will be operated in conjunction with The Children???s Hospital at Sacred Heart in Pensacola. The hospital provides more than $28 million a year in uncompensated care, including charity care and bad debt. The hospital serves as the ???Safety Net Provider??? for patients in our area. With a dedicated financial counselor who meets with families and helps them apply for charity care and appropriate state and federal healthcare programs, the hospital serves around 15,000 pediatric patients per year, with no waiting list.



Shelter House

Shelter House provides critical and lifesaving services to children who have grown up in homes where they witnessed violence. With an increase in the number of women, children and men served in the emergency shelter and new program office, the need for child advocacy services is greater than ever. Funding from DCWAF provides a play therapist who works with survivors and their children. The shelter provides children???s food, school snacks and diapers as well as other youth supplies, tutoring, educational materials and child care. DCWAF???s support also allows Shelter House to staff two youth advocates who work closely with survivors??? children and offer violence prevention education to youth in the local community.

The play therapist provides one-on-one therapy with children as well as parent and child joint therapy, support groups, training and assistance. Seeing 6 to 8 children per day, the therapist addresses mental health and behavioral issues caused by witnessing violence in the home.



The Arc of the Emerald Coast

quote_left???I can???t think of any human condition that can???t benefit from early intervention. The sooner a child and the family address the areas of delay the less likely those areas will cause life-long difficulty. Early Intervention services are an excellent investment in the future of children. Thanks to you, The Children???s Center is a robust center full of life, learning, and laughter.???quote_left

??? Executive Director Dr. Julie McNabb

This year???s funding completes renovation of The Children???s Center which expanded their ability to provide child care from 84 to 180 children, including an after-school program. The building is safer, brighter, bigger, better equipped, and more functional.

An aquatic center is going in next door, and Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation funds will help buy specialized equipment, fund scholarships for swim lessons, and provide startup funds for the education center to be built adjacent to the pool. The education center will give The Arc of the Emerald Coast a well-designed space to focus on Birth to Three, Early Intervention services. This program will provide educational support to parents of children who have been identified as having delays in at least two developmental areas. The work done with children from the ages of birth to three produces monumental, life-altering results for both the child and family.



Youth Village

Youth village provides a safe haven for children ages 5-16 where they can learn, play, and grow. Their mission is to provide non-school hour supervision in a safe, nurturing and encouraging environment that lends itself to the continued educational development of students who come from low-income, single-parent households who, according to the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, are labeled as a high-risk demographic. DCWAF Funding provides scholarships for 40 students to attend the after school program and summer camp this year; funding also provides the salary for a reading teacher part time during the year and full time during the summer. In the Okaloosa County School District alone, there are over 1,700 students held back! Youth Village would like to prepare the students by strengthening their reading comprehension.

With a facility over 50 years old, a need for increase in space, and most importantly the need for an upgraded security system, Youth Village is in the process of planning for a new building. This new construction will include a computer lab, a performing arts studio, an all purpose room, larger classrooms, and space for parenting classes.




Our Progress

DCWAF has shown significant growth in revenue over the past four years, while keeping fixed costs flat. Additionally, total fixed costs in 2015 were actually lower than those same costs in 2012. Fundraising costs increased due to moving from Linkside Center to a tent in Grand Boulevard. Other increases in fundraising costs are due to an increased role in producing the Seeing Red Weekend in November.

Prior to 2014, no expenses were incurred for this weekend and the revenue was split with the Walton Area Chamber of Commerce.

DCWAF now receives 100% of the revenue, but also pays 100% of the expenses. The NOI contribution has more than doubled as a result.


Past 10 Years at a glance

Events: 2014-2015 In Review

10th annual Destin Charity Wine Auction

April 25, 2015

The Destin Charity Wine Auction Weekend, recognized as one of the Nation???s ???Top 10 U.S. Charity Wine Auctions??? by Wine Spectator Magazine three years in a row is the Foundation???s largest annual event, and takes place over the last weekend of April each year.

The event draws wine aficionados, gourmet chefs and celebrity vintners from around the globe to enjoy world-class wines in the picture-perfect setting & white sand beaches of the Northwest Florida???s Emerald Coast. Funds raised benefit 14 local charities impacting the lives of children in need.

Paddle Raise

A tradition Destin Charity Wine Auction is particularly proud of is the ???Paddle Raise???. The year the Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation was created, Chan Cox, DCWAF founder, lost his 30 year old son, Clinton, to the devastating effects of addiction. A memorial fund was created to bring awareness and build a legacy for Clinton from the proceeds of a paddle raise at the live auction. Pathways For Change is a faith based organization funded initially by Baptist Hospital in Pensacola, Florida. Since 2005, PFC has served hundreds of men in intensive substance abuse treatment. Their mission of Changing Lives, Reducing Crime, Building Futures is actively preventing heartbreaking losses. Since 2007, DCWAF has raised over $1,000,000 so men and their families could be set free to live the lives God intended for us all.



Top grossing lots

celebrity vintners

celebrity chefs

Thank You

In addition, during the Wine Auction weekend, 13 Patron Dinners were held in notable restaurants and private homes in the area. These dinners pair celebrity chefs with participating vintners to create a memorable dining experience for every attendee. At each dinner, a charity representative attends and an auction takes place to help raise funds for the needs of that charity, whether it be counseling hours, construction or renovation, medical care, etc. These dinners brought in over $100,000 more than last year. A huge thank you to each and every generous patron, and especially to the hosts who went above and beyond delivering such a special evening.





Patron & Restaurant Dinner Hosts

Glenn & Dana Armentor
George Jr. & Stephanie Brannon with Cory & Hillary Fosdyck
Ken & Rachel Brown
Stephen & Joan Carter
Christine Carter & Ken Bryant with??Demetrius Fuller
Tina & Bryan Corr at Cuvee 30a
Jeanne Dailey & Jay Nettles at Culinary Center

Gary & Carolyn Dietzen
Don & Cathy Hay
Richard & Demetria McNeese with Leslie Levy at Bijoux
John & Margaret Sheehan at Seagar???s Prime Steaks & Seafood
Jane Solomon & Colin Mayo??with Don & Janis Bishop
Jack & Candis Wilson

Reserve Tasting Restaurants

Live auction Chef

Chris & Ivy Trovas of Wild Olives

Other Events

Destin Beer fest 2014

September 27, 2014

The Destin Beer Fest took place in Paradise Key Shopping Center at Chan???s Wine World. Presented by Wine World and ResortQuest by Wyndham Vacation Rentals, the festival offered Craft Beer, Craft Spirits, a VIP tasting, food from local restaurants, and live music. In addition, this year breweries and local businesses donated auction items to include homebrew kits, brewery memorabilia, coolers, t-shirts, a dinner provided by SweetWater Brewing Company, and more.



Golf tournament fore kids

October 20, 2014

Santa Rosa Golf & Beach Club hosted Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation and our supporters for the 2nd Annual Golf Tournament FORE KIDS. Awards and hors d???oeuvres followed at Vue on 30a. Winners of Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, and Longest Putt were all awarded. Gold Ring Gulf Dist. donated beers for the tournament and all of our charities were there to cheer teams on at each hole and offer contests and games. Additional event sponsors were Miracle Strip Wireless, Merrill Lynch: Krueger, Fosdyck, & Associates, and Taylor Chandler LLC.



24th annual seaside seeing red wine festival

November 6-9, 2014

The SEASIDE?? Seeing Red Wine Festival has grown to be a sell-out event, attracting wine connoisseurs and novices alike. The Seeing Red Wine Festival has been recognized as ???Top 10 Can???t-Miss Fall Wine Festival,??? by Fodor???s Travel.

The four days of festivities include reserve wine tastings, dinners and a brunch with featured guest winemakers. Several of Seaside???s well-known restaurants showcase how their farm-to-fork and gulf-to-table offerings pair beautifully with the featured red wines.





2015 South Walton Beaches Wine & Food Festival

January 30, 2015

The Tasting of Champions Wine Walkabout and Tasting took place at Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa. Guests were able to sample more than 600 wines entered for the 2015 South Walton Beaches Wine & Food Festival, including the medal winners for 60 categories. Tasting of Champions premiers these wines and offers an early opportunity to sample.



South Walton beaches Wine & Food Festival

April 24-26, 2015

The Northwest Florida Beaches Ultimate Wine Weekend is the last weekend in April each year. We are lucky to partner with the South Walton Beaches Wine and Food Festival. Both events take place on the lawn of Grand Boulevard and a handful of Vintner???s participate in the festivities of the entire weekend. The 3rd Annual South Walton Beaches Wine and Food Festival featured 800 wines, poured by notable national and international wine celebrities including Marc Perrin of Chateau de Beaucastel and Jean-Charles Boisset of the Boisset Collection.

Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation benefits from the proceeds of the South Walton Beaches Wine & Food Festival. This year we graciously accepted a check for $10,000 to help further our mission.

quote_left???We are humbled by the good works of DCWAF and committed to our close collaboration that presents the ultimate wine weekend, brings joy to so many and ultimately does so much good for children in need in our community. Our partnership with DCWAF is the perfect pairing!???quote_left

??? Stacey Brady, Executive Director, South Walton Beaches Wine & Food Festival and Marketing Director, Grand Boulevard at Sandestin


Thank you to all our volunteers

quote_left???No one ever said it was going to be easy, they just said it was going to be worth it.???quote_left

??? Author Unknown


???In less than eight hours 186 volunteers built and laid 22,000 square feet of floor for the DCWAF live auction and took it up the next day. That???s over 12,000 screws, 800 2x4s, 700 sheets of plywood and 100 spacer blocks. This floor was then used in the construction of our 37th home. Thank you for believing in us and volunteering!???

??? Teresa Imdieke Habitat For Humanity Walton County


Our Sponsors


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