Application Information

Interested in becoming a beneficiary of Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation? Applications are available beginning each year in May to receive funds for the upcoming fiscal year beginning on August 1. We ask that all interested organizations reach out to us after May 1 of the year for the application at [email protected]. Only not-for-profit organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (providing a copy of the IRS determination letter confirming federal tax-exempt status), that fit DCWAF’s mission of benefiting children in need in Northwest Florida are eligible for review. Both in selecting charities and ultimately defining donation amounts, DCWAF has a strong desire to partner with organizations that help children in need living in our local community, as well as contributing to specific programs or projects where the benefits for children can be clearly demonstrated.
Selection criteria are as follows:
✨ Mission alignment
✨ Project alignment and acuteness of need
✨ Ability to support DCWAF fundraising activities
✨ Stability and sustainability
✨ Responsiveness to this DCWAF request
✨ 501(c)(3) status
✨ Programming percentage