Team Spotlight: Karah Fridley-Young, President
December 4 is our President, Karah Fridley-Young’s birthday, and we want to take a moment to share a little about her journey and vision for DCWAF as we celebrate her and another great trip around the sun.
After graduating Auburn University with a degree focusing on early childhood development and nonprofit management, Karah joined the Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation team in 2012 as the Fundraising Coordinator. Growing up along the Emerald Coast, it was always a goal of Karah’s to work for DCWAF. She grew up alongside the Foundation over the last 10 years, increasing auction revenues from $1 million to $4 million, and ultimately assumed the position of President in August 2022. “This new role of President never feels like a job. It’s a passion!” Karah says.
Her goal for the Foundation in 2023 is to distribute $4 million. She says, “If you dream it, you can do it!”
When asked about her proudest moment during her DCWAF tenure, she says it’s each year at the check presentation where she experiences the reactions and hears testaments to the awarded funds from each charity. “This continues to be a great motivator and is truly special to me,” Karah says. Her team successfully pulling off the 2020 virtual auction is a close second to this proud moment for Karah.
When asked what the best piece of advice she has ever received, Karah said, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” From an early age as a big sister and dance team captain, her mother reminded Karah of this constantly. “Surround yourself with people that support each other and possess the skills to make your team or business strong,” Karah says. “Everything the Foundation does is collaborative, from the board of directors and staff to their charities. Together they are making a positive impact on the youth in the community.”
Fun fact, did you know that Karah is also the owner of Cheese Chick 30a? When asked to give an hour-long presentation on a topic with little to no preparation, Karah says she could easily present how to make the perfect cheese board!
To learn more about Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation, visit their website at

Published by Kate Macmillan
Friday, December 2, 2022